PADDY POWER: This company traces its beginning in book publishing with particular interest in the political landscape. Its people are naturally inquisitive and they took delight in speculating the outcomes in the political arena amidst the different challenges and issues in the local and global environment. Their speculations led them to enter the betting and gaming business but this did not diminish their support for political publications. That is why they continue to sponsor the Political Book Awards year after year because they believe in the importance of getting people involved in political discourses, debate, as well as on the fun that it brings to different social affairs.
Paddy Power is now one of the leading companies in the betting and gaming industry with branches in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and all over Europe, Australia, and Canada. They aim to provide their clients and gamers ultimate entertainment and unparalleled level of fun. You can place your bets on different sports, races, matches, and leagues. They also offer casino, poker, and online games. They are a legal entity with stocks available at the Irish and London Stock Exchange.
LORD ASHCROFT: Lord Michael Anthony Ashcroft is a politician, international businessman, and philanthropist. He used to lead the Conservative Party. He also has his own company the Michael A. Ashcroft Associates that manages various businesses in cleaning, manufacture, security services, automobiles, and finance. Lord Ashcroft is also involved in different charities and philanthropic endeavors especially in the fields of education, military, and environmental conservation. He believes in the significance of the Political Book Awards in shaping the people’s minds and helping them weigh different perspectives about crucial issues in the local and global environment. Lord Ashcroft himself has authored several books with political flavor. He has been Political Book Awards’ major sponsor for prizes to be given to outstanding political authors.